[Only Fennics are psychic. I think it's just powerful, powerful Drago magic.]
[They can't hear our mindlink, I'm certain of that. No magic or psychic power can eavesdrop on it.]
«My children.»
The Iahn
«Lun has led me here today, to all of you.»
The Iahn
Iahn, you honor us with your presence. Tell us, what brings you today before the Political Council?
«Judge Altair. I have come to issue an Order of Claim.»
The Iahn
«After hearing the story of Priest Fullbright, it is my belief that these proceedings belong under the authority of the Religious Caste.»
The Iahn
Paladin Firefang told us that much. The council objects to your Claim, Iahn.
«I believed as much. Do not worry, I am prepared to defend my Claim.»
The Iahn
Very well. The council recognizes and objects to the Order of Claim. The council yields control of the floor to the Iahn, so they may prove their Claim with three truths.