«Miss Gearheart, I'm to understand you're a powerful psychic, correct?»
The Iahn
Yes, my Iahn!!
«Thus, I'm correct to assume you have a photographic memory, yes?»
The Iahn
Yes, my Iahn!!
«That is very important.»
The Iahn
Miss Gearheart already testified, Iahn.
«She testified verbally. There is something I theorize is in her visual memories that is very important, that anyone but I would not know to look for.»
The Iahn
Her visual memories? How do you propose she testify to those?
«Paladin Tyrion, the artifact I requested, if you would.»
The Iahn
Right here, my Iahn.
The memory sphere?
«Correct. This artifact will let us create a visual record of Miss Gearheart's memories.»
The Iahn
«With her photographic memory, the record will be extremely clear, which is neccessary.»
The Iahn
«That is, if Miss Gearheart is agreeable to this. I do not wish to pry into her memories without her absolute permission.»