HOWEVER, charging the spells for the crystal did take a full day, and TIME was something short.
While waiting, the PARTY discussed the plan from this point onward.
They would need to make it back to ION for the STAFF, then to ROTORIDGINFRAM, through the blockade.
Getting through the blockade would require travel by RIZOEL, and each call would require use of the DEMIS WATCH, which had to be strongly regulated, lest SKY be unable to help in the upcoming BATTLE.
It was decided then that the PARTY would travel by conventional means back to ION. AIRSHIP FLIGHT would only mean a few bells. Truely they could afford to lose that time, right?
While waiting for the finished ritual with the crystal, the PARTY tried to mentally prepare themselves for the task that lay ahead.
Some found calm in their faith, others just retreated to their overnight lodging to try to make sense on their own for what happened.