Cryostoria's attack, whatever it was, seems to have been misdirected somehow.
We guess he was trying to do something to harm Dia, but since you got in the way, something unexpected happened with whatever it was he was casting.
The energy of it seems to have been redirected entirely into your left ear, and, well, exploded out of it.
We didn't see where it went after that, but it's possible he's done something to the temple. We don't know.
The damage is simply too severe for the magic we have onhand. There's a possibility surgery could help, but we won't know that until we get back to the surface and get you back to Ion, but it could be too late to do anything by then.
I would have thought my regeneration magic could help it, but it's just not having a strong enough effect to start working. Almost like something's... blocking it, I guess.
Whatever it is Cryostoria did, you're probably lucky it didn't do anything worse than lose you an ear. I know that's not really something comforting to hear, but...
Eh, it's alright. That was my least favorite ear, anyway.