Lunism has always been very much about astronomy. As such, a great deal of effort was made studying the movement of everything astronomical. In study, many patterns began to emerge.
Solar eclipses are very predictable, time-wise. There's two total ones every three years. Partial ones happen more frequently, but the festival is only for total ones.
When they do happen, it doesn't mean that everywhere on Alastere will see it; quite the opposite!
Ususally any given area only can see one every fourty years, about. But the festival happens whenever the eclipse is, wherever on Alastere it may be at the time.
So what about this time? Where... when? Is it?
Oh, we're extremely lucky! Ion is completely within the path this time.
We'll be able to witness the entire thing during normal daytime hours.
A solar eclipse festival, huh. Sounds like a cheerful thing, from how Dia's reacting.
Eclipses were never really seen as good omens, at least from what I knew growing up. Everythin' going dark, and all.