When I put on the helmet, I'm... flooded with voices.
Everyone who's worn the helmet before me is there.
Every voice unique, and they don't always speak the same thing. There's... a constant argument?
There's a unifying voice to the din, I guess, but that's not always what I'm thinking.
What I say when I'm the Iahn... it's not always my voice. Sometimes, it's what the chorus says.
I'm one voice, surrounded on all sides by others, all with different things to say, all with different, small, important distinctions.
I recognize them, I know they're all saying what they feel is best, but... it's easy to completely lose yourself in the voices.
Sometimes, it gets difficult to understand what is and what isn't what I am thinking. What I want.
The first time I wore the helmet, I was warned of it. I've only been able to put it on for the past year or so. It's so overwhelming.
I know that this is my responsibility, what I'm supposed to do, but... when I take the helmet off, I'm me again. I'm Sky.
It's jarring! I know that the longer I keep the helmet on, the harder it is to pull myself back from the voices. The harder it will be to be able to take the helmet off.
The chorus was opposed to me revealing this to you all. But I felt strongly enough about it to overpower that.
I have to find my own voice again before I even CAN take the helmet off. Not doing so would mean I'd die by taking the helmet off.
I know that, someday, I won't take the helmet off again, because it will become impossible to find myself enough to.
At that point, I'll... be The Iahn until I die. I'll never be Sky Fullbright again.
Because my voice will be there, in the helmet, forever.
And that's why I value being able to take the helmet off, and be myself, with you all, so much.
It's... the last freedom I have. And one I know I only have so much time of.
That eventually I will cease to be, and there will just be us.