I mean, one way to look at it is that I live forever. I'm a voice in the chorus.
As the reincarnation, it's my role to do this. To give myself up to truely assume the role I was born into.
Everyone else before me did it. The least I can do is to do it as well.
Maybe I'm bein' outta line here, but that's a pretty crappy reason.
Why should you have to die because the dead say so?
We all die eventually. I just know when my death is, I suppose. This is the plan Lun set forward.
There has to be a reason for it. Just because I don't know what those reasons are doesn't mean I can question it.
I know there's probably a greater discussion of difference between lagre and drago philosophy here, but you would have died for your ideals in the war, wouldn't you?
I guess that's true. But I was doin' it because I felt it was right, not because it was what I was told to do. But I getcha feelin'.
Wait, hold on. You locked me in that magic chamber with you?! Did you really think we would die?!
It was honestly more The Iahn's idea than mine, but The Iahn knew they could trust you, because I could.
And admittably, there was a part there where The Iahn wanted to see you fight for themselves.
Wait, what?
How to explain... The Iahn is actually incredibly fascinated by you all.
I can only understand feelings more than something specific from The Iahn's shared memories, and it's a great deal to take in, but you all kind of bring memories to The Iahn of The First.
The whole thing with Cryostoria... the voice of The First Iahn is very unique. It speaks with a clarity greater than any other. Almost like it's the guiding voice, if that makes sense.
But I feel like The First, at least in previous incarnations, mostly didn't speak. Almost as if...
...they only speak when there's something serious? Something very important? It was The First who wanted to see you in combat.
I can only describe it as... The First believes there's something greater for all of you, I think.