There's no like, "snow with rocks in it elementals" or anythin' inside, is there?
If I remember correctly, Bighorn Jackalopes pose the biggest threat of the cave, while the Cursetaurs and Harriers should leave us alone, and the Magpies are around the top of the cave.
That's correct! I already did a quick scout of the cave while you were waking up our sleepy lagre here.
Look, one of us was havin' to turn cranks all yesterday, I think I deserve a few more ticks of sleep.
The cursetaurs and harriers indeed are in their nests. It looks like we've avoided their wandering period.
I do regret to report a number of wandering jackalopes. It seems their mating period is still going.
What do you suggest, then?
Well, I've already provided all of you in your packs a number of small snapbombs.
They make a loud noise, but they're harmless. If we come across any jackalopes that want to duel with us in our way, we can use the snapbombs to scatter them.
It's important we don't hurt any of them; we don't want to affect the balance of the wildlife. We just want to scare off any that think locking antlers with us is a good idea.
If there's any that are already engaged in duels in our way, well, we have to wait for it to work itself out before we can continue.
We can't just, ya know, walk past 'em?
They lock antlers and lash about quite a bit. One wins when the other's antlers break off.
Unless you want to accidentally get broken antler shards or two angry jackalopes imbedded in your legs, I'd advise we wait and keep a safe distance until they work things out.
Snapbombs could scare them, but two jackalopes with antlers interlocked suddenly getting scared would be a mess we want no part of.
What about the magpies?
Can't see them from this far down in the cave. As long as no one appears too valuable, they'll stay in the upper cave reaches and leave us alone.
Will the light and flames from our torches and such bother any of the beasts?
Oh, we shouldn't need torches. The cave should have enough natural light and glowcrystals that as long as we make it up before nightfall, we'll be fine.
If we get delayed too much by excited jackalopes, well, we'll find out how magpies feel about torches.
Or if we get delayed too much by a lagre who doesn't want to get out of her sleeping bag!