Remember! Be polite. We're meeting with the leader of Rotoridginfram.
Yeah, yeah.
Your morning appointment is here, sir.
Ah, yes! Come in, come in!
President Gearheart
Yes, mmm... who are you, again?
President Gearheart
Priest Sky Fullbright, sir. The help you asked for from Ion.
Oh! Yes! Of course! ...what about the rest of you...?
President Gearheart
These are my friends and bodyguards.
K'sarian Sui'kune, machinesmith with the Rotoridginfram Academy, sir. Trade Guild Rank 2.
Ah, a local fennic! Always good to meet with Academy boys! I should get you advanced a few ranks...
President Gearheart
Merric Malady, freelance poet, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Ah, yes! Haven't met any fire tribe recently.
President Gearheart
Arntta Tintine, sir.
Two fire tribes! This is wonderful!
President Gearheart
Lum. You honor us.
An Ura? We don't get many of you here... I always forget how tall you are...
President Gearheart
We just arrived this morning by airship to meet with you.
Yes, yes! I heard how you all volunteered to help defend your airship against those pesky storm elementals! They've been attacking ships lately, we have no idea why. But this is the first time they attacked a passenger vessel.
President Gearheart
We were brought in to help by a Drago, sir. He went by the name of Pillian. Said he had been hired by the crew to help defend the ship. He said the ship was carrying cargo they were after.
...a Drago? Cargo? There wasn't anyone hired to protect that flight... it was entirely a passenger vessel. We've been hiring groups to defend the cargo ships, but your trip wasn't a cargo flight, unless my records are wrong...
President Gearheart
He was a casteless. The staff on the flight seemed to know him. He knew about the attacks.
I read the report just a few minutes ago... it's on my desk somewhere here... ah, yes, here we are!
President Gearheart
Hm... no, you five are the only ones mentioned here. "A drago, an ura, a fennic, and two lagre volunteered to defend the flight." There was definitely no one hired.
President Gearheart
I'd like to know more about this mysterious drago who talked to you. Could you all give a description of him to my investigative team? We'll need to get the passenger records to look him up.
President Gearheart
Yes, we could do that. I talked to him the longest.