D'inn is my nephew!! He went missing about a year ago!
We don't know what happened. He just disappeared one day. Are you telling me you know where he is?!
We saw him, but we don't know where he would be now. Well, not conclusively.
He was in the service of a swordsman. As well as others we believe were half-bloods with unique abilities. Other children.
They seemed to be working with him willingly. I'm afraid we only saw D'inn for a few ticks, before he used his powers to help the swordsman escape.
His magick finally manifested?
He seemed to have an ability to create portals of travel. The swordsman and his group used it to escape.
What was the swordsman's name?! I will hunt him down myself!
I would advise against that. You aren't a fighter. He's extremely skilled with a blade, and we have reason to believe he killed multiple del in cold blood.
His name was Holt, and we believe him associated with the drago we just fought who attacked the Nexus. The two of them are supposedly part of a group of three.
And this ties in to Lunism's betrayer god.
We don't know much about them. Only that they have some greater goal, and that involves the destruction of some stabilizing forces at work throughout Alastere.
They say they're in the service of Cael, and they're linked to Cryostoria, somehow.
That damn devil refuses to die.
Even after his shell is broken his spirit still haunts us.
I understand if you can't tell us everything, priest, but can you at least tell us if Ion is trying to stop them?
Yes. Ion considers it a very high priority to see them stopped. Our group is part of the effort, but we weren't expecting to come into conflict with them here.
Lun works in mysterious ways, and I'm certain there was some reason they fated us to clash here. Perhaps so Beacon would be there to help.
Y'Drasl, know that Ion is trying to see the children with Holt safe, and rescuing them. We'll make sure D'inn makes it home to your family.
Well, for whatever it's worth, I and my family greatly appreciate that.
I take it time is of the essence for you and your group, then. You shouldn't tarry here much longer talking with us. Why not use the railroad to get back down the mountain?