I've been ready for that since we got rid of the Demon.
Well, this is it. The last of his forces. It all will be within days now. That's got to be something.
How'd you end up being the leader of the Nature Tribe, anyway?
Simple. I was the strongest elemental magick user we had after Cryostoria's little coup at the Temple.
And the first thing I was tasked with to see we were ready for an all-out revenge attack on Cryostoria.
Temple under his sway or not, he would still fall to the power of our magick and the cycle. We thought, anyway.
Revenge was the first thing on everyone's minds, but then... his machines arrived.
The crushers?
Somehow completely elementally defended, despite not having access to water magick. Slow moving, but invincible and unstoppable.
They paved the shortest path possible straight from the west. By the time we heard about the attack, the monks at the Nature Nexus had died trying to stop them.
It wasn't until some time later we discovered it wasn't Cryostoria's forces at all that owned the machines, but mercenaries from Alosha.
Some genious Fennic lady had designed a few prototype elemental war machines, under the funding of Alosha. Combined with the delpower of enough sellswords willing to kill for the right coin, Alosha financed the whole thing.
They were Aloshan, huh? Makes sense. We figured out the Monarch was helping Cryostoria somehow. Eventually the mercs stopped appearing with his soldiers, tho.
I still haven't figured out what Cryostoria was offering the Monarch of Alosha for their support.
Building the machines, paying that many mercenaries... Cryostoria did something for access to the Monarch's coin. I thought after we retook Felishon, having access to all the records would yield something.
I was hoping for something, anything, in Felishon's records. Nothing. I scoured them with others for weeks after you all took him down and we retook the Nature Nexus.
I'd guess Alosha would have the records we're looking for, but there's no way we're getting that.